a Refrigeration Parts Solution, LLC company
Pacific Sea Breeze Marine Products
100 Grace Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph: 831-600-7878
These systems are intended for use on small watercraft or limited spaces, such as a single stateroom, on larger watercraft.
Unit shown is 7K BTU
Units are available in 7K BTU, 9K BTU, 12KBTU, 16K BTU and higher.
Units shown are 7K BTU, 9K BTU and 12K BTU
All of these units shown here are 120VAC 60Hz. Other powere configurations are available.
Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Pacific Sea Breeze Marine Products.
All rights reserved.
Pacific Sea Breeze Marine Products
100 Grace Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph: 831-600-7878