Or enter your contact information in the form on this page. Let us know how we can help!
Contact by phone :
831-600-7878 - Office hours from 9 to 5 Pacific M-F. We are small so there may not always be someone availble to answer the phone but leave a message. We will call you back as soon as possible.
Shipping Address
We are located at
100 Grace Way, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
This is near Santa Cruz, CA and the magnificient Monterey Bay.
Shipping Authorization:
All shipments must have prior arrangements made and/or Return Authorization given. Do not ship systems to us without prior authorization. We can not be responsible for any system ship to us without prior authorization.
Please enter your contact information below if you have a question or would like to receive our newsletter.
Pacific Sea Breeze Marine Products 100 Grace Way Scotts Valley, CA95066 ph: 831-600-7878 info@pacificseabreeze.com